Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber Liability Insurance

Our cyber policy provides you with the wraparound services that minimise the risk of a cyber attack on your business as well as provide you with the cyber experts and strategies that give you peace of mind in the event of a cyber attack.


One of the biggest threats facing businesses today is the dramatic rise of cyber extortion and ransomware worldwide. The immediate impact of a cyber attack and its flow-on effects can seriously hinder your company’s ability to operate. Our breach response service includes cyber specialists, forensic experts, lawyers, and PR consultants who exclusively focus on assisting you through an incident.

Coverage Benefits

24/7 rapid response from the top IT security experts

Immediately contain a cyberattack, restrict third party access & secure the perimeter of your IT infrastructure. Read more about our comprehensive cyber risk management approach.

Access to our panel of expert risk management partners

Our partners are the best in the business at giving you IT security, advice covering forensics, endpoint detection, forensic technology, business continuity planning, loss assessment, crisis communications & PR response and fraud and identity reports.


Business Interruption

Covers your loss of profits if your IT systems are attacked, resulting in staff being unable to work or customers unable to transact.

Third Party Liability

From hacked personal information to accidentally emailing confidential information, this policy covers any resulting claims.

Network Extortion, Triage & Breach Consultation

When you notify a claim, we appoint an IT specialist or a law firm, depending on the nature of the breach. Our IT specialists prevent further attack, restore systems and deal with demands.

Costs to Restore

Research, replace, restore or recollect software and any electronic data due to a network attack.

Data Forensic Services

Analysis of ‘root-cause’ using forensic techniques.

Public Relations Expenses

Cyber breaches hit the press every day. Urgent action may be needed to manage your reputation should this happen to you.

Notification Services and Credit Monitoring

Your customers can be notified if required and their credit history monitored to prevent damage from identity theft.

Mandatory Breach Reporting

Covers any government or privacy reporting required & media statement preparation where relevant.

Target Sements


Construction & Trades


Food & Beverage




Professional Services


Software & Technology providers


Industries we are unable to write

Adult Entertainment


Defence, Military & Aerospace

Foreign Currency Exchange


Government/Public Authorities

Managed Service Providers


Utility companies


Australian domiciled risks Worldwide Jurisdiction can be provided



Want to know more?

We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with us to learn more about Cyber Liability Insurance.