Oliver Gilmore - Senior Casualty Underwriter

Say hi to Oliver Gilmore

As Delta Insurance Australia’s Senior Casualty Underwriter, Oliver Gilmore loves finding solutions to interesting and unusual risks.

He came into the business after working shifts in banking gave him insight into the value of a regular 9 to 5. His first introduction to insurance was a support role, but soon Oliver realised there was a lot going on where his degree in Commercial Law and Marketing could come in handy.

Initially working across various roles in a small insurance company, Oliver gained a broad understanding of the general business of insurance, eventually electing for a move into underwriting back in 2016. He hasn’t looked back since.

That’s not the only move Oliver made. Shifting from his native New Zealand to Brisbane in 2020 for a change of scenery and the delightfully warm climate, he continued moving up the underwriting ranks – with a view that it is logical, common sense, ‘and quite fun’.

When a recruiter came calling about a company called Delta, Oliver’s interest piqued (directly after appreciating it wasn’t an American airline). Getting involved in what was then a startup brought back memories of his career beginnings, with the opportunity to make a real difference. He came on board in 2022 and has rapidly become a valued member of the team while progressing from Casualty Underwriter to Senior Casualty Underwriter.

The experience has matched the expectation, Oliver says – he relishes adding value to brokers and end customers with the flexibility afforded by Delta Insurance’s solutions which he describes as ‘much more than system-driven products’. He also enjoys expanding the market for insurance through innovation and being able to say ‘yes’ to risks that may have previously been hard to place. As such, he has involved himself in areas including product development and distribution, adding to his personal development while contributing to Delta’s market reach. And, of course, the strong Kiwi connection doesn’t hurt!

When the working day is done, Oliver is keen on multiple sports including rugby (Union, of course), cricket, and American NFL. He’ll be found in the gym or out on bush walks on occasion, and admits to semi-regularly seeing the inside of a good Brissie pub.